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Mariages à destination au Portugal

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Featuring a large panoramic ballroom, a huge outdoor pool, a direct access to the beach from the wedding ceremony and a large private parking area for guests, Coconuts by the Sea Beach Wedding Venue Portugal is the perfect venue for your dream beach destination wedding in Portugal. It’s a building from the 50s, recently modified to provide visitors with a gourmet venue and a magnificent and exceptional view of the Atlantic Ocean.

VAT not included / TVA non incluse / IVA não incluso


Ajouter personnes supplémentaires à votre mariage / Adicione convidados extra ao seu casamento


Oceanfront wedding Package at Coconuts, includes:

Wedding Day

  • Wedding ceremony coordination

       La coordination de la cérémonie | Coordenação da cerimónia

  • ​Assistence on the wedding day

       Assistance le jour du mariage  |  Assistência no dia de casamento

  • ​Venue rental fee

       Location d'espace ! Aluguer de espaço

  • Final cleaning

       Le nettoyage final | Limpeza final 

  • DJ & Sound system

       DJ et Système de sons | DJ e Sistema de som ï»¿

Wedding Ceremony

  • 50 Chairs for the ceremony (you may select one of our models but same model as the reception chairs)

        50 Chaises pour la cérémonie | 50 Cadeiras para a cerimónia​

  • 2 baskets with petals (rice optional)

       2 paniers de pétales (riz en option) | 2 cestos de pétalas (arroz opcional)​

  • 2 Microphones and speakers for the ceremony

       2 Microphones et système de son | Microfones e sistema de som​

  • Recorded music for the Ceremony and Cocktail

       Musique de fond | Música ambiente

  • 2 umbrellas

       2 parasols | 2 guarda-sóis​


*Carpet, canopy and flowers are not included

Tapi, structure et fleurs non inclus | Carpete, estrutura e flores não incluídas

**Ceremony on the beach under request

 Cérémonie sur la plage a un coût supplémentaire | Cerimónia na praia não incluída 

Wedding Reception

  • Before the ceremony: waters and juices

      Avant la cérémonie: eaux et jus de fruits | Antes da cerimónia: águas e sumos

  • Wedding cocktail: canapes and drinks

       Cocktail: canapés et boissons | Cocktail: canapés e bebidas

  • Wedding meal: Four Courses Wedding Meal or Barbecue Buffet and drinks

         Dînner: 4 plats servis à table ou buffet barbecue boissons

       Copo d’água: Jantar com 4 pratos servidos à mesa ou buffet de barbecue 

  • Coffee or tea

       Café ou thé | Café ou Chá​

  • 3 Layer white wedding cake and portuguese sparkling wine

       Gâteau de mariage de 3 étages avec glaçage blanc et mousseux portugais

       Bolo de noiva de 3 andares com cobertura branca e espumante português​​

  • Open bar (4 hours) | Bar ouvert (4 heures) |  bar aberto (4 horas): Liqueurs, Gin, Vodka, Rum, Tequilla, Whisky, Brandy,Caipirinha, Mojito, Wine, Beer, Soft Drinks and Mineral Water


*There is no limitation on the number of drinks served per guest during the whole event; drunk guests will not be served

*Sans limite de boissons par invités durant toute la cérémonie; toutefois toute personne apparament alcolisée ne será pas servie

*sem limite de número de bebidas servidas por convidado durante todo o evento; pessoas que aparentem estado alcoólico elevado não serão servidas


 Click here to check our MenusClique para ver os nossos Menus em Português


  • Indoor: Ballroom with long table or round tables with tablecloth for 8 to 12 guests

       Intérieur: Salle avec avec table longue ou tables rondes avec 8-12 personnes

       Interior: Sala de jantar com mesas compridas ou mesas redondas atoalhadas de 8 a 12

  • Chairs
    Chaises | Cadeiras

  • Indoor lounge (our model)
    Lounge  (notre modèle) | Lounge (o nosso modelo)​

  • 1 bar outdoor and 1 bar indoor
    1 bar extérieur et 1 bar à l'intérieur | 1 bar no exterior e 1 bar no interior

  • 1 table for gifts and cards
    1 table pour les cadeaux | 1 mesa para presentes

  • 6 Center pieces with flowers of the season and tealights (premium flowers not included)

       6 Centres de table avec des fleurs d'époque et des bougies (Fleurs premium ne sont pas inclues)

       6 Centros de mesa com flores da época e tealights (flores premium não estão incluídas)

  • Printed Menus (our model)

       Menus imprimés (notre modèle) | Menus impressos (o nosso modelo)

  • Wood table markers number and seating plan (name tags not included)

       Nombre de tables en bois et plan des tables / Número de mesas em madeira e plano de mesas

  • Background music for the ceremony, cocktail and wedding meal 

   La musique de fond pour la cérémonie, cocktail et dîner / Música ambiente para cerimónia, cocktail e copo d’água

  • Microphones and speakers for speeches during the whole event 

       Microphones et système de son pour les discours long de l'événement

       Microfones e Sistema de som para discursos durante todo o evento​

  • Disco ambiance with DJ, sound system and LED lights

       Ambiance disco avec DJ, système de son et lumières LED / Ambiente de disco com DJ, Sistema de som e luzes LED

Wedding Consultation and Advice

  • Contact via e-mail and phone

       Contact par e-mail et par téléphone | Contacto telefónico e via e-mail

  • General planning consultation 

       Consultation générale de la planification | Assistência na organização geral do evento

  • Wedding List and free Couple's Wedding Website from ZANKYOU

       Liste de mariage et site de mariage gratuit ZANKYOU

       Lista de Casamento e Site para o seu casamento na ZANKYOU

  • Supplier referrals and contacts:

       hairdresser | make-up artist | photographer | video | transportation | celebrant| designer | florist

       Les références des fournisseurs et des contacts: coiffeurs et maquillage | photographe | vidéo | transports |                       célébrants | concepteurs | fleuriste

       Lista de fornecedores: cabeleireiros e maquilhagem | fotografia | video | transportes | celebrantes | designers | florista 



  • Guests arrival: 5:00-6:00

  • Ceremony: 6:00-6:30

  • Cocktail and photos: 6:30 – 8:30

  • Entrance in the room, Dinner, coffee and speeches : 8:30 -11:00

  • Cake and sparkling wine: 11.00 – 11:30

  • Dance and open bar: 11:30 – 3:30


The DJ and catering services are limited to 12 hours

You can add:

  • Extra guests: €ï»¿150/pax | Children 3-10 years: 70€ (includes venue rental fee, wedding menu, chair and table fee and 1 center per every 8 guests)

       Invité suplémentaire au dînner: €160/pax | Enfant 3-10 ans: 80

       Convidados extra para o jantar: €160/pax | Criança 3-10 anos: €80

  • Extra open bar hours: €ï»¿20/pax per hour

       Heures de bar supplémentaires €20/pax par heure | Horas extras bar aberto €20/pax por hora 

  • Decorations for ceremony:

       Extra umbrellas for ceremony and cocktail: 60€/ each

       Name tags for the ceremony: from 1€/ guest

       Other decoration for the ceremony: upon request

  • Other decorations: 

       Carpet for the main entrance: 200€

       2 big vases with flowers for the entrance: from 200€

  • Flowers:

       Bridal bouquet: from 120€

       Bridesmais bouquet: from 50€

       Bottonhole: from 20€

       Mirror for the center pieces: 10€/ each

       Extra center pieces: from 70€/ table

       Chandeliers: from 50 euros each

       Premium flowers (peonies, orchids, imported flowers): under request

       Customized table markers: from 10€/ per table (wood table numbers are complimentary) 

       Name tags: from 1€/ guest​

  • Entertainment:

       Projector / beemer: 150€ (laptop not included)

       Extra LED lights to color the white walls: from 400€

       Extra LED lights for the outdoor terrace: from 400€

       Saxophonist: from 300€ (2 hours)

       Band and other musicians: under request



Avez-vous des questions?


Av. Bernardino de Campos, 98

São Paulo, SP 12345-678

Casa do Marques Wedding Catering
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  • Pinterest - Arriba by the Sea
  • Facebook - Arriba by the Sea
  • Google+ - Arriba by the Sea
  • Lisbon Wedding Planner Youtube Channel
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